Jeff Bezos shares a video of $42 million giant mechanical clock run for 10,000 years

Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO has embarked on interesting projects including Blue Origin, The Washington Post and giant historical mansions, but his most interesting project could be the clock he is funding its “We humans have become so technologically sophisticated that in certain ways we’re dangerous to ourselves. It’s going to be increasingly important over time for humanity to take a longer-term view of its future,” he told The Wall Street Journal in 2012construction in West Texas. A clock designed to keep time for millennia – the “10000 year clock”.

Installation for the clock has finally begun, a project Bezos invested $42 million in (together with a hollowed-out mountain in Texas that the Amazon CEO intends for a blue origin spaceport).

Brian Eno inspects clock mechanics

“Installation has begun — 500 ft tall, all mechanical, powered by day/night thermal cycles, synchronized at solar noon, a symbol for long-term thinking — the #10000YearClock is coming together thx to the genius of Danny Hillis, Zander Rose & the whole Clock team! Enjoy the video,” Bezos tweeted.

The project, in which Bezos is a backer to the tune of $42 million had its actual idea from Danny Hillis, who proposed a 10,000 year clock originally in 1995 as a way of thinking about the long-term future of humanity and the planet. The idea led to the Clock of the Long Now by the Long Now Foundation which Hillis cofounded to build an actual, working version of the clock.

Powered by a large weight hanging on a gear, the clock is designed to continue to keep time for thousands of years as it is made of durable materials.

Bezos, Hollis, and others involved in the clock project are interested in humans coming to the understanding of authentic long term decision making.

In 2012, Bezos told Wall Street journal that “we humans have become so technologically sophisticated that in certain ways we’re dangerous to ourselves. It’s going to be increasingly important over time for humanity to take a longer-term view of its future”.

Musician Brian Eno, and tech writers Kevin Kelly and Stewart Brand are also involved with Bezos in the construction of the giant watch.

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